As you might surmise from the lack of entires it has been a busy summer away from Gwel Dulas so when I have had time to do stuff I haven't had time to write it up. Telling myself that next year will be better as no work days to interfere and clash with the good weather.

So what's been going on here? Sunflowers grew up to 8 feet tall with enormous heads. I'm going to try extracting some oil [I didn't - when I got back from travels the seeds I had saved had got wet and decayed]. Self-seeded spinach took over the marrow and squash area and drowned them out - and the carrots. A very few carrots did survive. The main crop King Edward spuds got blighted and almost none were edible thanks to wireworm and the pesky slugs. Amazingly the turnips have done ok. Good crop of onions from sets, also shallots. French beans failed but the broad beans did ok. I missed most of the peas through being away.

Runner beans have been, and still are, amazing. The biggest success of this year has been the raspberries - the autumn fruiting ones have really come through.

Have put in two more quince trees - another Vranja up at the top and a second Meech's Prolific near the first.

For Eilidh's tree we will be planting a Wild Service Tree - Sorbus Tormilaris - in October. Crab apples are looking good but I'm about to go away for two months so may miss them.