Here we go - back with the monthly tree pics. These are April 21st or thereabouts.
Jane to help so got more done -
Cornish Breadfruit approx 23k.5g yielded 9 litres = 383ml/kg
Mixed windfalls approx 19.2 kg yielded 6.5 litres = 338ml/kg
Sidney Strake windfalls approx 19.6kg yielded 7.5 litres = 382ml/kg
Sidney Strake and Mixed windfalls in same container so mixed 40/50 giving 14litres
Breadfruit pasteurized in 5 x 75cl glass bottles plus 1 coppela 900ml bottle -> 4.65L
No! cider 4.5L of sSidneyStrake/mixed OG 1052
4.5L Breadfruit added back to SidneyStrake/Mixed to give 2 galls of 33/33/33
No2 cider 4.5L of the 33/33/33 mix OG 1054
Remainder pasteurised in bulk and bottled in 900ml bottles - yield
Total yield - 2 demijohns = 9L, 5 glass bottles = 3.75L, 8 900ml bottles = 8.1L TOT 20.85L
Sops-in-wine (red apples). Approx 42kg in two sessions produced approx 8 litres.
SG1056. Bottled in 900ml coppella bottles. Yield 9 bottles.
1 drunk unpasteurised, 8 pasteurised in bottles for 25mins @ 75deg. DO NOT do this again - bottles expanded and bottoms went rounded.
Total bottled yield = 8.1L
So far this winter the following trees have been planted:
- Tamar Cherry Fice. ex Endsliegh pot grown. The blackest, juiciest and best flavoured of all. Light cropper. From St.Dominick
- Tamar Pear 'Harvest Pear' (Lanson). ex Endsliegh pot grown. Dessert. Rounded yellow pear, with russetting. Sweet & juicy. Ready August
- Fagus sylvatica (green Beech) 10 of. 40-60cm bare root. ex Perrie Hale
- Prunus padus (Bird Cherry). 5 of. 40-60cm. bare root. ex Perrie Hale
- Sorbus acuparia (Rowan). 5 0f 40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
- Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam). 5 of 40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
- Betula pendula (Silver Birch). 5 of 40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
- Quercus robur (Ped. Oak) 10 of 40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
- Betula pubescens (Downy Birch). 5 of 40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
- Sorbus aria (Whitebeam). 10 of 40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
- (Horse Chestnut). 3 of plugs ex Internet (1 for Cerys)
5 Whitebeam used to infill failed ones in last years coppice area plus another 5 in a cluster at the southern edge of that area. Intended to be two more lines of 9 between there and the willow line all for coppice, but nettle roots too dense.
Remainder planted in two rows to the north of path along north edge of woodland belt plus 8 of the birches (4 of each) in a circle to north or apple orchard and western red cedars as a potential wood-henge.
1 Horse Chestnut in the woodland belt and another near the willow grove clode to river.
Trees Planted winter 2021 (11/1/2021)
- Poplus Alba (White Poplar) 5 of 80/100cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
- Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) 40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
- Betula pendula (Silver Birch). 10 of 40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
- (Goat WIllow). 11 of 40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
- (Hazel) 5 of 40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
- (Sweet Chestnut). 10 of 40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
- Sorbus aria (Whitebeam) 4 of 40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale (1 for Mariella)
- Salix alba vitellua (Willow). 16 of whips taken from originals near veg patch
Most of the above planted 11 Jan 2021. All with a sprinkle of root fungi.
Goat Willows, Silver Birches, 2 Horbeams, and a Whitebeam in the NW corner for coppicing. 4 lines of 6 Using 75cm squares of weed fabric
Hazels and Willows in a line above the coppice area below the plums. 75cm wide strip of weed mat.
Sweet chestnut cluster of 6 between Cherry and Wbottom willow patch. Remainder along the bottom of the cntral woodland belt.
Hmm, three months without posting, and I can't blame Covid. Not that things haven't been happening at Gwel Dulas, more that I've simply got out of the intermittent habit of writing them down.
Veg has been good, even a few parsnips made it through. We've just finished the potatoes, still got some carrots and swedes in the ground and onions in store. Plus beans and peas in the freezer.
Pears were good - inevitably a few didn't get eaten or processed fast enough and went off. The Beths didn't produce but the others were good, Gorhams and Beure Hardy good to eat but Lanion Harvest not so much. Oh the odd Tamar Harvest down beyond the cherries has yet to do anything -
A couple of apples struggled through to produce a few small ones from a second blossoming - Saw Pit was the best.
Raspberries still coming well, also picked some blackberries. Made a couple of jars of raspberry jam. Sweetcorn good, tomatoes nearly done. Had second melon - this one from east front of tunnel had gone yellow and was much better than the first one last week when Rex was here. I think these are from old Galia seed, but not sure - could be "Mel" [sic]
Courgettes continue, runner beans just about done, swedes are ready, finished lifting potatoes - much worm again - need to find a solution to that for next year. Still about a row of carrot to lift. Today noticed that one of the parsnips was setting seed so lifted that - big and a bit forked, and a little one growing with it. Have been finding the odd strawberry.
Seem to be a reasonable number of pears - except the Beths - which are still hard but coming away at a touch. Very few apples, picked four Rosemary Russets off the middle tree. Many of the apples there are are tiny and distorted.
Tractor shed nearly finished - just the roof felt to go and then a coat of creosote. Mowing is way behind owing to many family visits during August and early September. Four weeks clear now until the possible Rex and Mariella tree ceremony in mid-October - lockdowns permitting.
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