Hazy sun and a bit more wind than yesterday. Mowed path and area down to stream. Potted on cabbages, courgettes, ridge cucs - might need another bed! Hardening off sweetcorn and cleared first part of sweetcorn bed, will do a second batch in a couple of weeks.
Still picking PSB.
Ed The Dog digging for voles.
Been away for 8 days (riding to London), Jane has kindly been watering the seedlings so all ok, although some a little overgrown and in need of TLC.
Weeded tunnel and potato, pea and onion beds. First peas showing and shallots have shoots pls a few onions. First spuds (Nicolas) also showing and earthed up.
Planted melon seedlings in tunnel beds and Telegraph cucumbers. Sowed some peppers and chillis, only one aubergine has germinated so far.
Grass in need of mowing (of course, when isn't it!) and Pears in blossom.
Sowed ¾ row of Parsnip Tender & True (organic) in last line of spud bed. Sowed in groups at 7" spacing with Radish Sparkler between as supposed to germinate quicker and mark row - also added radish to previous parsnip row.
Planted ½ row of Garlic (coop spanish) in bed to east of tunnel
Sowed Carrot Paris Market 5 Atlas 1 row in bed east of tunnel.
Sowed 1 double row Broad Bean Masterpiece. 1st batch of sweetcorn has germinated (all bar 2), Tom Thum toms germinated but no sign of Alicante. No sign of Aubergines. Cabbages, basil, melons and cucumbers all showing.
Have ordered nematodes to combat the slugs.
Planted spuds: Pink fir Apple x 16 (supposed to be earlies but haven't really sprouted), Kingsman (maincrop) x 13.
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