Dug down at top of second spud row and couldn't find any trace of seed potatoes - I think I must have miscounted when planting the second batch and thought I had done two rows without checking. Doh.
(see Fri 30th March 2018 - double doh!!)
Strangely the first, third and fourth row of spuds are showing their tops but nothing in the second row - I wonder if I forgot to plant any there?
Some pears showing blossom as well as cherry and sops-in-wine apple. Flowers coming on Vranja and Serbian Gold quinces and signs of some on other apples. Planted wildflowers, nasturtiums and cornflower around the ziggerrat. Started mowing into apple orchard this morning - I really need a whole day here to get onto everything but am still working on Cresta (which is ridiculously late this year)
Been mowing for an hour before breakfast most mornings - even managing to cycle out underlane for the last couple of days. A lovely start to the day.
Away in Sussex for three days over the weekend but today and yesterday back on the early morning pre breakfast hour mowing and late afternoon (after day at boatyard) return to rake up and anything else there is time for. Today transplanted some of the seedlings and prepared a first bed in the tunnel.
Blossom on the pears now - a little on both Beths, plenty on the Gorham and some on Harvest Pear. A little cherry blossom on Bullion. All quinces in leaf, some apples opening - the Sops-in-wine near the medlar is showing signs of blossom - hope it has a pollination partner. Autumn raspberries are walking over towards blackcurrants.
Early mowing is a joy - but the grass is growing fast fast fast (and the docks :-( )
Weather has improved and grass is growing - today and Monday I have been to do an hour of mowing before breakfast. Hope to keep it up. Yesterday it mizzled so missed it.
Thyme has germinated
Planted three more rows of spuds - row 3: 7 Nicola + 4 Catriona @ 15", row 4: 9 Catriona (3 at N.end halved) + 2 King Eds @ 15", row 5: 6 King Eds @ 18" (room for a three more). Also some mowing, general weeding of veg plot and dock attack.
In tunnel nasturtiums are up, ridge cuc showing, melba melon up, courgette up (not the old italian ones), 2 squash and one auroa melon.
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