Overcast but not feeling so damp as yesterday despite a hint of mizzle in the air, maybe a degree or so warmer. Be good to get a max min thermometer.
Finished mowing the daffs and a new roadway down to the barn area, more curved than previously. Cleared around Eilidh and Rowan and set out positions for Rex and No4.
Saw some voles and a wren. Brightened up a bit at lunchtime but still overcast. Went to buy a new wheelbarrow. (£60 at Maunders)
So where did 2019 go? The last post on here was back in April, and that was incomplete.
Maybe I'll get around to backfilling - there are some field notes and photos - but first a fresh start.
FROST last night. Spuds and outdoor courgettes are knocked right back. Have been busy during the week despite the dog mowing and sowing and planting. First 3 courgettes planted out. Second row of peas sown. Cleared ground for rest of sweetcorn which have gerninated. Some peppers are showing - not the jalapenos. Support net for first row of peas installed. Planted more onion sets. Saw goldfinches.
Planted out tomatoes (both types) in tunnel beds - 8 of Alicante, 6 of Tom Thumb. Aubergines and celeriac have germinated but no sign of peppers yet. Planted 2nd row of broad beans. Earthed up early spuds - still not many pink fir apple showing. King Edward and Kingsman both showing. Sowed some very old lettuce seeds (All Year Round and Salad Bowl) in trays in tunnel.
Cleared space for more peas, broadbeans and runners. Planted another row of white onion sets. Rained this morning. More spuds showing their tops.
Mowed around the currants etc in the morning. Sowed Parsley (moss curled and flat), Melon, Coriander, Runner Beans (2 types), Yellow Scallop squasg, Di Nizza courgettes all in pots. Sunflowers in bed by tunnel at bottom. Potted on basil, lemon balm, thyme.
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