Overcast and still. Shed 13.2, 8.1, -1.3. Tunnel 23.5,10,-1.5
Put in more weedmat around blaccurrant and baby redcurrant bushes. Haven't done any thinning yet.
Overcast and windy. shed 12.8, 12.8, 5.1. Tunnel 18,16,5 @11:45
Assembled wooden compost bin - it is quite large! Finished digging plot 4. Planted new Blueberry with weed mat. Also weed mat around topmost blackcurrant and cleared around the collapsed redcurrant.
Planted 2 more trees (unknown) from Euan at Tregonidy. Cleared some dead docks.
Earlier in the week had noticed snowdrops fully out in Underlane (not the first seen)
Sunny, fresh breeze from west, little cloud. Shed 13.3, 10.8, 6.8. Tunnel 20.5, 14.5, 6.0 @11:00
Spread some grass cutting mulch around top area trees and shrubs. Cleared some piles of grass. Continued digging plot #4 extracting nettle, comfrey and dock roots as much as possible.
Dry and a little bit of sunshine, feels less cold. Shed 10.5, 10.5, 3.6. Tunnel 16.5, 16.5, 2.5 @12:45
Started to dig veg plot no 4 (NE corner).
Plan for this year us #1 (SE) for brassicas, #2 (SW) for legumes, #3 (NW) for spuds, #4 for roots, #5 (N) for beans, squash and corn.
Cold and showery again. Shed 8.1, 7.3, 2.1. Tunnel 17, 10, 1.5 @11:45
Interestingly it seems to get colder in the tunnel at night than up at the shed - possibly a height effect as the tunnel doors are quite leaky and the shed thermometer is 2m above ground sheltered under the protruding bit of roof, whereas tunnel one is 1m on a post and the doors are leaky so cold air probably flows through. I wonder if it would have been better to orientate the tunnel E-W, but that would be less good for morning and evening heat capture.
Heavy prolonged showers, so raked soil improver organic compost into tunnel beds and watered. Put weed mat around two more blueberries and weighted with gravel which seems better.
Overcast, feeling cold, rain started as soon as I arrived. 11.6, 6.2, 3.1. Tunnel 11,6,2 @10:45
No frost in last few days. Did some work on the tunnel beds then went home. Returned after lunch (and after the rain), still chilly but cleared ground for new cherry and dug a bit more around the pond. Fitted a square of weed mat around one blueberry and weighted down with turfs at edge, but not very good.
Light grey, air slightly damp so feeling colder, no wind
Quick temperature check: @15:15 outside shed max 8.9 current 7.1 min -2.4. in tunnel max 11.5 current 8.0 min -2.
(must have reset later on on Tuesday as when readings taken then the current was 16 in tunnel.)
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