5 trays of Pigs Snout apple rings, 2 trays of mixed apple rings, 1 tray  cherry tomatoes 

Sidney Strake. 23.4kg -> 8 Litres. 10 bottles pasteurized

Cornish Breadfruit 22.4kg -> 7 litres. 8 bottles pasturized

Here we go - back with the monthly tree pics. These are April 21st or thereabouts.


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Jane to help so got more done - 

Cornish Breadfruit approx 23k.5g yielded 9 litres = 383ml/kg

Mixed windfalls approx 19.2 kg yielded 6.5 litres = 338ml/kg

Sidney Strake windfalls approx 19.6kg yielded 7.5 litres = 382ml/kg

Sidney Strake and Mixed windfalls in same container so mixed 40/50 giving 14litres

Breadfruit pasteurized in 5 x 75cl glass bottles plus 1 coppela 900ml bottle -> 4.65L

No! cider 4.5L of sSidneyStrake/mixed OG 1052

4.5L Breadfruit added back to SidneyStrake/Mixed to give 2 galls of 33/33/33

No2 cider 4.5L of the 33/33/33 mix OG 1054

Remainder pasteurised in bulk and bottled in 900ml bottles - yield 

Total yield - 2 demijohns = 9L, 5 glass bottles = 3.75L, 8 900ml bottles = 8.1L  TOT 20.85L

Sops-in-wine (red apples). Approx 42kg in two sessions produced approx 8 litres.

SG1056. Bottled in 900ml coppella bottles. Yield 9 bottles.

1 drunk unpasteurised, 8 pasteurised in bottles for 25mins @ 75deg. DO NOT do this again - bottles expanded and bottoms went rounded.

Total bottled yield = 8.1L

So far this winter the following trees have been planted:

  1. Tamar Cherry Fice. ex Endsliegh pot grown. The blackest, juiciest and best flavoured of all. Light cropper. From St.Dominick
  2. Tamar Pear 'Harvest Pear' (Lanson). ex Endsliegh pot grown. Dessert. Rounded yellow pear, with russetting. Sweet & juicy. Ready August
  3. Fagus sylvatica (green Beech) 10 of. 40-60cm bare root. ex Perrie Hale
  4. Prunus padus (Bird Cherry). 5 of. 40-60cm. bare root. ex Perrie Hale
  5. Sorbus acuparia (Rowan). 5 0f 40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
  6. Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam). 5 of 40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
  7. Betula pendula (Silver Birch). 5 of  40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
  8. Quercus robur (Ped. Oak) 10 of  40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
  9. Betula pubescens (Downy Birch). 5 of  40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
  10. Sorbus aria (Whitebeam). 10 of  40/60cm bare root ex Perrie Hale
  11. (Horse Chestnut). 3 of plugs ex Internet (1 for Cerys)

5 Whitebeam used to infill failed ones in last years coppice area plus another 5 in a cluster at the southern edge of that area. Intended to be two more lines of 9 between there and the willow line all for coppice, but nettle roots too dense.

Remainder planted in two rows to the north of path along north edge of woodland belt plus 8 of the birches (4 of each) in a circle to north or apple orchard and western red cedars as a potential wood-henge.

1 Horse Chestnut in the woodland belt and another near the willow grove clode to river.