Page 6 of 6 Results 51 - 58 of 58

Category | Name: VarietyOrder by:  Category  EngName  BotName

35 Silver Birch
Betula pendula
Location(s): 5 sites - T13, T14, T15, T16, T17,


65 Strawberry: Honeoye

A useful early variety with a very good record. Heavy cropping. Good disease resistance to …


66 Strawberry: Cambridge Favourite

An old variety from 1930s but still popular. Has large orange-red fruits and good disease resistance. …


40 Sweet Chestnut
Castenea sativa
Location(s): 1 site - T10


26 Victoria: Willis Clone
Location(s): 1 site - PL01

59 Western Red Cedar
Thuja plicata
Location(s): 2 sites - T11, T12,

67 Wild Service Tree:
Sorbus torminalis
Location(s): 2 sites - T19, T20,

56 Willow
Salix alba vitellua

Page 6 of 6 Results 51 - 58 of 58